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Infographic Poster Design

Topic: Sexual Assaults on College Campuses

This infographic was created to capture the attention of students and administration to bring awareness the reality of sexual assaults that occur on college campus.



Upon overviewing all of the information that was gathered I choose to focus on the element that shocked me the most. Which was that there are several sexual assaults on college campuses that are still under investigation. The article that my research was utilized the most from stated that "55 colleges in the United States have been under investigation" today that number has risen to 200. Alongside scoping down my research I also came across the statistic of the number of men that are also survivors.


My first attempt at this poster design was solely utilizing digital elements. After my first critic I decided that going solely digital with this piece would take away from the human element I felt like needed to be showcased. Maintaining all of the element of this piece to be just digital would have not done justice to the survivors. My final prototype is a mixed media piece having the states cut out of cardboard to simulate a playful/ educational element. The simulation of violence was created with red watercolor paint.

Final Design

The image bellow is of the final design that was created for my infographic poster design course. This final design represents all the elements that I strived to capture as there was a shock factor for those who pasted the poster while going to their classrooms; as well as the information is contained and communicated.

Closing Statements

In conclusion I would like to thank everyone at the University of North (students/ staff) for working with me, sharing their stories, and for providing information. This concentration of (sexual assault on college campus) was chosen as it was something that was prevalent to my close friend at the time. The information I gathered helped us achieve justice for her situation; alongside with the help of the law + University.


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